i can't use hash variable > #currentUser.department.id# How to fix it?

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  1. Hi there,

    Can you tell us more on the problem that you are facing? Are you getting any error message? Are you using the Enterprise edition as this particular hash variable will only work in this edition?


  2. nopppp i didn't use an enterprise edition
    i fix #currentUser.department.id# in the form and it should be department id right?? but in database get that variable  and there are not any error 
    how can i do

    thank you 

    1. Hi Treerat,

      You will need the Enterprise edition for this to work. Please see Extended Current User Hash Variable.


      1. I found that the knowledge base in v3 community edition, it support Extended Current User Hash Variable. please see the pic.

        1. Hi dealeasy,

          Extended Current User Hash Variable is a feature only available in the Enterprise Edition. Current User Hash Variable on the other hand is available in the Community Edition.

          The reason why it is called as "Extended" because it uses the same hash variable prefix,currentUser as the one found in the community edition.

          Hope this clarifies things.


          1. OK, I understood, thanks.