
I would like to know where the actual execution of the HTML code snippet added to the Custom Html widget is taking place in the source code, Im planning to develop similar widget which will invoke a web service during run time for fetching and showing certain values if this widget is added to the form. It would be really helpful if someone can help on the actual source code detail where the invocation has to be added, I have the added appropriate JS file and CSS file modifications for the addition of this widget in the form builder UI, but got stuck up on the actual invocation point.

Any help in this regard is much appreciated.



  • No labels


  1. Hi there,

    I would suggest to start looking at files in wflow-formsweb\src\main\webapp\lib\formbuilder\ first. Hope it helps.

    1. Hi Hugo,

      Thanks for the reply, yeah I have already analyzed the formbuilder folder and found the JS files where the required changes have to be made and implemented my usecase for building the custom widget.

