Hi there. The available "HTML Editor" widget in form builder now is a WYSIWYM-based editor. Is there any way I can change it into a WYSIWYG editor? Thanks.

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  1. You can include your preferred WYSIWYG editor script into the form builder itself on the go (you need to do so in every single form that you intend to use the editor though) or you may even go into modifying the build source itself, add in a WYSIWYG editor element as a permanent solution. The latter method consumes way much time.

    Here's the very fast way of achieving that. I'm using TinyMCE for this example.

    1. Create a textarea. The one you intend to make it into a WYSIWYG editor.

    2. Create a custom HTML. Throw the following code in there.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost/tiny/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;function formbuilderOnReady(){
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;mode : "exact",
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;theme : "simple",
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;elements : "_ex_customHtml_1"
    &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;});

    3. Rename _ex_customHtml_1 in the coding to the exact name that you are getting in actual form.

    4. Point tiny_mce.js to the actual path of your TinyMCE.

    And you will get something like this.

    Good luck and hope it helps!

    1. Thanks for the reply. The problem now is that users who are going to use the formbuilder do not have any programming experience, which means that creating WYG editor through custom HTML is not the solution. I'm trying to modify the source code currently, and notice that the code for FormBuilder is mainly built with Javascript, which is a language I'm not familiar with. Hopefully some guru can provide advice here. Thanks.

      1. I'm afraid that hacking into the source code is the only feasible way for you as things look like now. If you have problem building Joget from source, do post up here.

        Good luck with your development.

        1. My progress is looking good at the moment. Anyway, thanks.