The User Profile page raises an error and does not show in Oracle environment.

The error produced is:

javax.el.ELException: Error reading 'readyRenderPage' on type org.joget.plugin.enterprise.UserProfileMenu

In MySQL everything works fine.

Regards, Joost van der Schoot

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  1. Hi Joost,

    We just tested using the r840 build on Oracle 10g XE, and it works fine. What version of Oracle are you using? Are there any errors in the Tomcat logs?



    1. Hi Julian,

      I am working with Oracle11 XE on my local PC, and there I get this error "Error reading 'readyRenderPage'".

      I am also working in production environment with commercial Oracle11 and there I get no errors.

      I do not see errors in the Tomcat logs.

      Regards, Joost

    2. Hi Julian,

      I am now using an Oracle10 commercial database and here I have again the same error:

      javax.el.ELException: Error reading 'readyRenderPage' on type org.joget.plugin.enterprise.UserProfileMenu

      Have you been able to reproduce this issue?


      Joost van der Schoot