Dear Moderator:

I tried to generate ID automatically using Reference ID Plug-in,

but the ID never Created. any other setting beside:

1. using reference ID Plugin, in activity mapping.

2. using "refName"  as field on the "Input" form

3. setting table on plugin setting.

thanks before.


Joko SP

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  1. Hi there, make sure that you set the workflow variable in the designer as well as specifying it in the form input field in the form of hash variable in the form builder. See Reference ID Plugin.

    Hope it helps!

    1. Hi Hugo,

      I have set the workflow variables for example (id and status) in the designer but when i tried to validate it pop up errors. 

      1. What is the NMTOKEN means?
      2. unused variable = id  


      1. Hi. Lines 1,2 and 5 of the Validation Report you posted actually points to the fact that there's an extra 'Tool' element you may have accidentally created in the properties of your Tool. Double click on your Tool, go to the 'Tools' tab. There, you should see an extra row after 'default_application'. Highlight that, and click on the icon with the 'x'. This should remove that error and get you going.

        I've also noted that you named a workflow variable 'id'. Suggest you use something more common like 'issue_id'. 'id' is usually reserved so, it's best to stay away from using that.

        Do update with the results.

        1. Hi Sam,

          Thanks for the prompt reply.

          The problem occured in the line 1,2 and 5 are resolved. I have removed the extra row after default_application as you said.

          For the workflow variable I have change 'id' to 'ref_num' and check it 'edit' in the activity properties. But there is still error as below:

          1) Unused Variable: ref_num.

          What should i do and what does it mean actually?


          1. Hi Noorhayati,

            It's just a warning. Warnings such as this appear when you create a workflow variable in Workflow Designer and have not set any activity or tool to 'Edit'. It's just a warning that informs you that you have a workflow variable that you have not defined to be used. Plugins will be able to write to workflow variables even if you've not specified the 'edit' field in the properties. So, just try deploying/updating your package and see how it goes. Good luck!

            1. Hi Sam,

              All problem are solved ! I managed to generated the ID when running the process.

              Thanks :)