
Joget is great. I have some questions:

  • Is there a way to populate a drop down field in the form editor with values from the database rather than using hard coded options? For example lending of book. I only want to show books that are still available.
  • How is it possible to integrate Javascript libraries that provide rich UI compoments and require JSON/REST interface to interact with the system?
  • How can I display lists/tables? For example a shopping cart type of grid where the use selects and item and then a workflow is triggered.
  • How can I have a greater flexibility with the forms i.e. display an image or create a view that retrieves all the attributes of an item from the database?

Thank you very much.

  • No labels


  1. Hi,

    Here are some answers to your queries:

    • You can use Form Variables to populate a drop down field in the form. There's a page in the Knowledge Base at the Form Variables page
    • There's a Custom HTML element in the Form Builder which you can put into your form. As the name suggests, this allows you to include your own HTML (including your own JavaScript libraries and scripts).
    • There's a Grid element in the Form Builder for simple multi-row items.
    • For more complex forms, you could always write your own custom forms on any platform outside of Joget. You can then call these external forms when mapping activities. There are some details on integration possibilities at Joget Workflow Integration Architecture

    Hope this helps!

  2. There is also a screencast on creating Form Variable, at http://screenr.com/jyg

  3. Tiensoon, do you know how to implement a drop-down menu for multi-rows items  

  4. Tiensoon, do you know how to implement a drop-down menu for multi-rows items