
In first activity, i have set the workflow variable to XXX. How in the activity, get the value of workflow variable ?

I have used #varibale.myworkflowVar#, but it not worked.


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  1. Hi Mohamed,

    I think you have a typo there. The correct syntax for it is #variable.[variable_name]# and not #varibale.[variable_name]#

    1. Hi Hugo,

      Thanks bu I put the correct syntax but it does not work. When I display the variable in the fields of my form is still empty.

      Let me explain my context :
      In the first actrivity (participiant A), i have a form with id = 1. I filled a field with a value XXX that i passed to the next activity (participiant B) by using :
      #variable.myvariable# and #form.myform.myField#

      In the second activity (particiant B), i have a other form with id = 2 and il want to get the previous value (XXX) from the previous activity in the filed of the current form. by getting
       #variable.myvariable# and #form.myform.myField# in my form.

      It's not works,  both are empty.

      Any idea ?

      1. Hi,

        Now, it's works. I resolved the problem.

        I forgot to use "Form Builder" in my form process when i store my form.


        1. Glad it works!

        2. Hi all,

          Mohamed how could you solve this problem? How did you mean you had forgotten to use "Form Builder? I was fighting this problem 2 days ago. The situation almost the same and i can't get workflow variables and form field values neither. I am sure i missed something but i don't know what is the missing step.

          Any help would be appriciated.

          Thanks Zoltan