Hi, I have been developing a webservice plugin using the example in the documentation (sample.zip), and I want to change a workflow variable with the values given in the url's parameters. 

I could upload the plugin with no problems to Joget, but when i test the webservice it gives me an exception, then i realized that the instances of PluginManager and WorkflowAssignment are unreachable from the actual context or maybe i'm missing something, the getParameter method works though, so i don't think the problem is that.

So my question is... how can i get the actual instances of PluginManager and WorkflowAssignment in order to use the activityVariable method that allows me to change a variable value? by the way I was cheking the source code and there isn't a get instance method in the PluginManager and WorkflowAssignment classes.

Thanks in advance.


1 Comment

  1. Look at Email Tool plugin https://github.com/jogetworkflow/jw-community/blob/3.1-SNAPSHOT/wflow-core/src/main/java/org/joget/apps/app/lib/EmailTool.java.

    If you are developing a Process Tool Plugin (http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KB/Process+Tool+Plugin)) then you can get what you needed in the method "Object execute(Map properties)"

    PluginManager pluginManager = (PluginManager) properties.get("pluginManager");
    WorkflowAssignment wfAssignment = (WorkflowAssignment) properties.get("workflowAssignment");