My idea is to use beanshell more robust, with make my own library (jar). I have develop my java and compile to jar, and it's work when i'm importing it in ide like eclipse. But when i copy it to beanshell plugin in depedency, it can't work. But if i copy library like httpClient.jar it work.

My question is, how to build a jar that beanshell plugin can read it. I have error that my class it's not found by beanshell. Could you give me some guide or reference?

------------------- solved -----------------------

I'm just have done solved this problem, i just have copy the jar to web-inf\lib


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  1. Hi evilkyro1965,

          I am trying to do the same thing. Where did you put the jar file i.e. in which directory of webapps?

     host-manager? manager? ROOT? wflow-designerweb? or wflow-wfweb?

    Did you defined any classpath variable?


    1. Hello,

      The corect answer is wflow-wfweb.

      In wflow-wfweb\web-inf\lib, there you must put a jar in order for it to be available in the application.