Hi all,

I'm an absolute beginner and I have a simple question (I hope).

I created a form "frmAcquisizioneOfferte" which creates records in table "offerte". Then a second form "frmCQ" should load data from the same table "offerte", adding some more data. My problem is that the second form doesn't load data from existing records, but seems to create new ones.

Any hint?



Properties of first form

Fields of first form

Properties of second form

Fields of second form


  • No labels


  1. Hi Franco,

    If your form is used within a process, you should not have any field with the id called "id". The field will be used by the workflow engine to track and load the record. Can you please check this?

    Best regards,


    1. Hi Owen,

      I had fields called "id". After deleting then, it works fine, thank you!!!
