Good Day,

I'm a total Newbie to Joget, however the application looks very impressive.

I'm a very junior technical person however I would like to know if the its possible to install Joget on a shared hosting server?

Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanking You


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  1. Hi Ahmed,

    Please refer this post -

    The answer is yes, we  can implement it. I haven't tried it personally but would be very much to hear from you.


  2. As Joget Workflow is running on Tomcat (by default installation), you need to look for a hosting plan that support Tomcat hosting. There are quite a number of them out there. And the difference between PHP shared hosting and Tomcat shared hosting, is the requirement for you to understand how much dedicated memory resource is needed. For Joget Workflow, you need to look for a plan that has no less than 256MB dedicated memory for the Java instance. 

  3. Hello Tiensoon,

    Congratulations on the great work you all are doing. I to am drawn by the possibility of running apps within my Wordpress site. It would be great to see a tutorial on how to install Joget on the same remote server as my Wordpress. As your current Wordpress tutorial references Localhost access only. Instructions or assistance deploying a publicly accessible installation somewhere like Linode or Slicehost would be most welcome!

    1. Hello... glad that you find the Joget-WordPress integration a beneficial use case.

      The installation of Joget Workflow on a VPS, assuming it's running on Linux, you can follow a similar set of guide as documented here: Installing Joget 2.0 on Ubuntu Linux 10.04, and Advanced Installation for Apache Tomcat and MySQL

      1. And besides that, there are also hosting partners that provide VPS configured with Joget Workflow

        1. Hello Tiensoon,

          I have been assigned a task to do analysis of JoggetV3.1

          so that if it fulfills the purpose we can completely adopt it in our Software Development Cycle, WorkFlow softwares are always in our pipe line and we want to increase the productivity and reduce the Dev time, and Jogget is promising both.

          What I want to confirm is that possible to make an app using JoggetWorkFlow and zip a WAR file just like any other app and Host it on tomcat ?

          Waiting for you reply very very eagerly.

          Cheers -
