
I'm attempting to make my first application and I've noticed that the actual Joget interface is "off". The menus on the form builder aren't working properly, the interface goes past the un-expandable window, hoovering buttons aren't clickable, etc. Do you think this is an issue with my browser or do I need to reinstall Joget? I've tried it on IE 8 and Firefox, similar results on both.


  • No labels


  1. Hi Dan,

    Thanks for trying out Joget and we are sorry to learn about your first experience on it. Can you please provide us with more information so that we can replicate the issue?

    Can you supply us with screenshot of what you are seeing and other information that you deem important for us to be able to replicate your issue.

    PS: You may want to try it on Chrome as well.



  2. Thanks for the response Hugo. Here is a screen shot of what my "form builder" looks like. The left menu goes past the scroll bar, when I drag an item from it it places it on the form but removes it from the menu from further use, and the hoover buttons are off of the screen so I can't properly design the layout of the form.

    1. Hi Dan,

      Thanks for reply. This happens sometimes on the browser that you are using and we are looking into it. You will need to configure your Internet Explorer's tab settings to allow the form builder to open in a brand new window or tab. Otherwise, you may want to try other browser such as Firefox and Chrome which do not have this issue.

      Hope this helps!