
I am trying to complete an assignment through JSON call. The activity has a form which has a field called as "issues". 

I want to populate the "issues" field with data before I complete the activity through JSON.

I am not sure if I am able to do this, if not, then please let me know another method to achieve this.

-- "Issues" field is not a workflow variable but a form field. If I complete the assignment through UI then I am able to fill in the value but when I complete it through JSON calls then it doesn't work.


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  1. Hi Anup,

    I don't think you can set form field values through the JSON API, but you can set workflow variables though. Maybe you could introduce an "issues" workflow variable for this purpose. The "issues" form field can then be configured to point to that workflow variable, so that the field is populated with the variable value when viewing the form.

    1. Thank you Julian for the reply. So if I have multiple forms with many variables then I have to create same number of workflow variables to populate the values. Seems like lot of work. 

      Also I created a workflow variable but did not use in any transition condition and tried to map it with the form variable, but it did not work.

  2. I have built the source successfully.

    What should be my next steps?

    How should I design the plugin webservice? Should the webservice add data directly to database or should it add to the form fields while the form is displayed?

    Which plugin class should I extend/inherit and why?

    I built a test plugin using Eclipse but did not get a jar output. Is something specific needs to be done for the plugin to build in Eclipse or do I have to use netbeans for development?

    Do I need the source project open in Eclipse or can I have just the plugin project open and build it successfully.

    Thank you for the help.

    1. I am able to build a plugin and import it into Joget.

      I still have following questions about the way plugin should be created.

      How should I design the plugin webservice? Should the webservice add data directly to database or should it add to the form fields while the form is displayed?

      Which plugin class should I extend/inherit and why? How do I associate a plugin with a workflow? I have many questions with respect to the design of the plugins.

      Understanding the design of different types of plugins is very important and unfortunately I do not find good documentation.

      Please answer me so that I can move forward with the plugin development.

      Thank you for the help

      1. Hi Anup,

        Did you manage to have a look at the following pages? 

        These describe the different types of plugins at a high level.

        If you're looking to implement some kind of integration via a webservice then you would most probably want to develop a Process Tool plugin.

        1. Thank you very much Julian for the response.

          I have read the links you provided and it gives a very very high level information about the plugins. It doesn't provide specific details about the what plugin class to extend or inherit when developing plugins. 

          Is there some code/documentation that I can go through to understand the details?

          I am new to this plugin development. Do I have to dig into source code to understand everything?