Hi all ,

I want to know what CRUD functionalies are providing in the enterprise edition . I have design a validation circuit in JOGET with forms and validations at different level and by different persons(participants) i wanted to know if with CRUD i'll be able to :

1. For exemple that someone who have completed a form and after the end of the process , he or she can come back to the process and add/modify information for exemple ?  and that the validation circuit is restarted ?

2. I have for exemple a group of user (entered manually in a grid)  that is entered manually in a form and at the end the same group of persons need to validate . I can extract the list of users from the form using beanshell programming , is there a way to create for exemple a virtual group and affect the group to the validation in a variable ???

Thank you . I am planning to buy JOGET enterprise version if these funtionalities are supported . Best ,

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1 Comment

  1. Hi Karuppannan,

    The scenarios you described should be demonstrated in the HR Expenses Claim App (http://marketplace.joget.org/v3/v3enterprise/hr-expenses-claim-app.html) and Internal Service Request App (http://marketplace.joget.org/v3/v3enterprise/jwa-isr.html). These apps are already bundled in the Enterprise Edition for reference, so you can try them out and customize them for your needs.

    The Enterprise Edition supports 3 users for free, so you can download and run it on-premise, or if you prefer you can also run a trial directly on the cloud at https://cloud.joget.com
