Dear Forum,

The Multi Page Form seems to have issues with Validation Errors.

When I define Multi Page Form pages which refer to the same Parent Form Field "page1_key", than I get Validation Errors. 

When page1 has one or more validators "Mandatory" on, than on submit on the last page will raise Validation Error messages on the first page, even when everything has been correctly entered.

I'm not sure if the Parent Form Field references have something to do with this, but it happened to be configured this way in order to make entered fields on page1 available on the other pages page2, page3, etc.

Regards, Joost

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  1. Hi Joost,

    May I know which version and build you're using? Actually, there has been an update in the Multi Page Form in the latest builds in the Enterprise Support Site that should have resolved this issue.

    Thanks and Best Regards,

  2. Hi Julian,

    I am using 3.1.0 - build 1162 (on Windows and Linux)

    I noticed that the problems are around validator "Mandatory" for some fieldtypes like radiobutton and popup select box.

    The background, what I need to do is:

    Tab 1 : select an organisation (pop up select box)

    Tab 2: Read & Show details from the selected organisation (using Bean Shell Form Binder (executing SQL)

    In different scenarios I changed the setting of the field "Parent Form Field to keep Child Form ID" form the Multi Paged Form.

    Scenario 1 : All Tabs/Pages use the same page value , eg "page1_key", "page1_key"

    Scenario 2 : All Tabs/Pages use different page values , eg "page1_key", "page2_key"

    Scenario 1 seems to be best one, since I get the correct data on the tabs and my functionality works

    Scenario 2 does not work, since every tab starts empty, even with the same fields.

    But scenario 1 gives the validation errors when I have madatory fields like radio buttons

    When I remove the mandatory validation the validation errors have gone, but I get a new error:

    Now the next form in the workflow shows not any data in the fields.

    What I have seen in the database is that the Mulit Paged Form creates several empty records.

    It looks like the empty record has been submitted in the workflow.

    (In fact I don't like the idea that this functionality creates new records in my data table. I have the feeling my data is getting corrupted.)

    I have used scenario 2 in situations where I do not need to share data fields across the tabs, and it works fine in that situation.

    Regards, Joost