
I have created a test process in my Joget installation and have been trying to run it via the URL detailed in the "Link To Run Process" in the process details. When I try and do this it executes as Anonymous and the process doesn't go anywhere. I can understand this as I haven't assigned a user to the Participant in the Participant mapping, so it would allow anyone to run the process. I was wondering if there was a way to append the user details to the URL so when the process is started it is run as a specific user? Is there another way I should achieve this?

I am trying to avoid the need for each user to open/ login to the Workflow Management Console, go to "Run Process" and then select the process to get started.

Thanks for your help


PS This is my first post so I apologize in advance if this post is in the wrong location or the question has been answered already...

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  1. Hi,

    you can append the username and password in the url using j_username,j_password. sample url -


    1. Thanks Arun, that worked perfectly.



    2. "When I try and do this it executes as Anonymous and the process doesn't go anywhere."

      Actually, when you have submitted a process that is IFramed into an external site, the process is started. You can try to verify this by examining Monitor Processes > Running Processes.

      But, the page goes no where by default after submission, as there is an additional parameter we can configure in URL to control the redirect. For example, if you add complete=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com into the IFrame URL, the page will be redirected to www.google.com, when the process is started. Please also take note that, the URL value for the "complete" parameter, must be encoded.

      1. Hi,

        I was wondering if the JSON calls would support https. as we have the username and password in the url, I want to have the password encyrpted or make secure http get. Please let me know if this is possible.


        I also checked the master login password hash, either way it exposes the password in the url.

        1. Hi Arun, yes the JSON Plugin v1.0.8 (you can check the version in Manage Plugins page) is supporting HTTPS URL.

          By the way, if you use the Master Login feature, such as this example, it doesn't expose real user's password.
