
I have developed a directory manager plugin and facing issues in accessing the pages after deploying the plugin.  I'm able to authenticate and get into wflow web page but I see the below error -

"Sorry, you do not have permission to access this page"

I'm unable to access any page/link after authentication. I believe that there has to be permission set to the userid or role id somewhere. Can you please help me understand where the permissions should be set?



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  1. I got this fixed. Thanks

    1. Hey Arun,

      It would be very great if you can share your finding and solution to the rest of the community too! Thanks alot!

      1. Sure Hugo!

        I didnt't categorize the user into ROLE_ADMIN or ROLE_USER. I was using my own custom role id and the custom roles were not granted authorities to view all pages. I then made changes to categorize the user as either ROLE_ADMIN or ROLE_USER.

      2. Hi Hugo, I have a question about retrieving plugin properties.

        How to retrieve plugin properties when we develop custom plugins? In my directory manager, I would like to retrieve some plugin properties for database connection configuration. The properties map is available only in execute() and I'm unable to get the plugin properties in other methods.

        Please let me know the possible ways to retrieve the plugin properties.
        Thanks in advance!
