Dear All,

I am currently reviewing Joget to identify if I would be able to use it as a platform for many other solutions that we wish to develop, and thus purchase the enterprise edition if it's capable. I am so far disappointed that response has been rather poor in the forums and am worried about support in the event i do purchase the enterprise edition. Usually forums are a vibrant environment with lots of activity and posts are responded to within minutes or hours however the forum seems to be lacking the support and vibrancy i was expecting.

Can someone please comment your experience in the members forum?


an evaluator and possible future adopter...


  1. i also found the feedback is breif and slow, and the main problem is that there is not enough documentation covering the plugins side, which will be the main area to work in when starting a real projects, the materials and tutorial on this forum and youtube chanel covers the basic functionlities but on the plugin side no documentations is avialbe and the support on this form is very slow and very breif.

    1. Hi folks,

      My sincere apology for your not so delightful experience with Joget's community.

      However, I must point out that the participation on the community forum is entirely based on the community effort. No one is obligated nor adheres to any SLA to whether one should contribute or respond to the forum. It's all out of the good will of all the members to share their knowledge on Joget.

      The documentation of Joget is an on going process by the core Joget team which has been generously made public in the spirit of open source. Everyone is invited to contribute to the documentation as well.

      Hope this clear things up a bit and set the expectation right.
