Dear Friends,

I require some assistance with the following scenario:

I am trying to populate some text fields in a form , on the basis of selection of a value in a particular drop down.

So if I select my name from a list of names in a drop down, then i should see my name and phone number in the text fields below the drop down.

I am trying to use the ajax sub form component without much success.

Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.


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1 Comment

  1. Hi there,

    You will need to first build your contact form and populate them with all the necessary contacts.

    Then, in your new form, add a AJAX Subform, point it to the contact form and set "Parent field to keep subform ID" to the drop down's ID.

    In your drop down, use the Options Binder, then choose Default Form Options Binder, point it to the contact form.

    How it works?

    The drop down selection will have all the IDs of the contact form data. Selection of the drop down will affect the AJAX Subform to reload itself based on the selection's ID to locate the appropriate record and display accordingly.

    Good luck. Thanks.