Dear All,

If I want to print out my Form / Document that has been completed. How do I ?

Is there a plugin for the print facility on Joget Workflow??


  • No labels


  1. You could create a button using Custom HTML. Then, bind a JavaScript function to the button's onclick event, and use the window.print() JavaScript function for printing

    1. It is like we choose File - Print in menu bar??

      Is there another way ?

      1. Yes, that's the same as using File > Print browser menu.

        If you wish to customize the look-and-feel of the form when it's printed, you could specify a customized CSS for media="print"

        1. how bro?can u show me to do it.......

          1. Example, if you put this piece of codes into Custom HTML element, you should see a "Print" button, which could activate the browser's print function upon clicking on it.

            <input type="button" name="print" value="Print" onclick="printForm()" />
            <script type="text/javascript">
            function printForm(){
            1. I have been playing with Joget userviews and found it very helpful in developing the user interfaces. I have one question about the user activity form,can i add print button in userview activity form.if they r way can you show me the step and coding to do it.tq

              1. Hi Joseph,

                There's no separate user view activity form, user view also uses the same form that you have mapped in Activity mapping tab (from Manage processes menu) So when you select any task from the User view activity table it just opens the form that you had mapped in the Activity mapping of the process.

                If you are interested in having a Print option in the user view menu (left pane) or in the Activity table listed you can add the above code snippet in the Header/Menu or footer sections and see if that fits your requirement. Feel free to post here if you still have any questions.

  2. can u show me how?tq

    1. Hi, as explained by Arun, there is no separate designer for Userview form.

      All you need, is to use the HTML code snippet shown above, in a Custom HTML element for the targeted form

  3. Hi,

    I have put design the print form in the application. The problem is only one page is printed. The balance of the page is not printed. Can you give the the solution on how to print the full content of the form?

    As you can see, the signature is not printed, only 1 page is printed.

    1. Thanks for your feedback. I will try to replicate this issue and update you again.

  4. Hi,

    When I try to print, everything just shift right and leave lots of blank space on the left. Sometime the Userview panel may shows up too. Could anyone help me and tell me what did I do wrong? Thanks!

    1. Hi Gilbert,

      It looks like some print issue in the Twitter Bootstrap CSS used in the theme you're using i.e.

      Will need to look into the CSS to see what can be tweaked :)

  5. For V5. I am still having difficulty to understand how to add the "Print" button to my form. The CRM example has a "Print" button but it is not obvious how to embed it. I have little CSS or HTML knowledge. This is the last step before I can fully deploy my app. Thanks.

  6. I copied from joget default print button (it will appear when you reopen the form after save it as draft. )

    <a class="print-button" href="#" onclick="userviewPrint();return false;">Print</a>

    It works for me.