
I have added a 'Run Process' element to the menu in my user view. When I click on it it should load the first form in my process, however it doesn't always do this. Sometimes it correctly shows me the form, but other times it just shows me the message 'Process started successfully':

Any ideas why the behavior isn't consistent? The only thing I can guess at is that in my process the first activity is to call a sub-flow. In that sub-flow the first step is a route, and based on a check a form is shown. Perhaps this is influencing things?

By the way, if I look in the logs there is a slight difference between when it is working and when it isn't working. When it isn't working I see this:

INFO  25 Sep 2012 14:23:18 org.joget.apps.form.dao.FormDataLocalSessionFactoryBean  - Building new Hibernate SessionFactory
Sep 25, 2012 2:23:18 PM org.joget.apps.form.dao.FormDataDaoImpl getHibernateTemplate
INFO:   --- Form FormRow_ftpAccount hibernate template created

However when it is working I see this:

INFO  25 Sep 2012 14:28:46 org.joget.apps.form.dao.FormDataLocalSessionFactoryBean  - Building new Hibernate SessionFactory
Sep 25, 2012 2:28:46 PM org.joget.apps.form.dao.FormDataDaoImpl getHibernateTemplate
INFO:   --- Form app_fd_ftp_account hibernate template created

The only difference is that the name of the hibernate template is different.

Below is an overview of my processes: First 'Create Service Request' is called, which then calls the sub-flow 'Complete Request Details'.

Create Service Request

Complete Request Details

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  1. Hi Andrew,

    Is it possible for you to attach your process design diagram for our quick reference? Thanks.

    1. Hi Hugo,

      I've attached my process images.



      1. Hi Andrew,

        It might has to do with the sequence of activity tasks being created as well as the participant mapping. In your first activity, I see that you are using a subflow. Can you verify that you are using Synchronous execution so that Joget won't trigger the next activity prematurely? It may have "skipped" to the next activity and the next activity is not meant for the current user, thus, it's not showing up anyhting to the user.

        You may also compare the sequence of activities being created in "Monitor Processes" to tell if the sequence has to play with the inconsistency or not.

        Hope this helps!
