I have included form A in form B as a subform. But when I update form A it generates a new version. But the subform in form B still points to the old version. As I have many subforms it makes updating a form quite a bit of work. I have to update each form which includes the updated form, by deleting the reference and creating it again.

Is there any way this can be automated? Of a workaround? I always want to use the latest version of a form.

Thanks in advance!

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1 Comment

  1. Hi

    Forms are only versioned according to the Package Version or Process Version. Repeatedly saving forms will overwrite the current version of that form you are editing.

    When you update the process/package via the Workflow Designer or XPDL file, Joget Workflow will automatically increment ALL FORM'S version label. At the same time, sub form references will also be incremented. In your case above, as Form B references Form A as a subform, changes to Form A (after Save) will yield immediate changes to the subform of Form A viewed in Form B (you will have to reload Form B's preview or Form Builder window).

    Hope this helps.