Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
Is there a way I can create a page with two sections each having a form and have a submit for each section. It's like I have 2 forms each performing its own function and independent of each other. or Do I have to build an external form to do this.
Owen Ong
Hi John,
Currently is not possible, one of our client is actually using iframe for this purpose. You can check this Embedded Mode to see how you can embed a form into an iframe.
Hope this help.
Best regards.
Thanks for that, I believe iFrame might be the solution, but in my case I will be needing more than two buttons in a single form each performing a different task. In other words, I have an iFrame with 5 buttons, each supposed to do an independent task. I can' be doing it that way I guess. Any solution?
Considering that I create buttons in a form using custom HTML and redirect to their respective URL's, can I have that in a process without breaking the flow. Any other ideas on this?