The following question is originally posted by Ansgar Altevolmer. However, as this topic was created in the wrong page, so I have moved the question here for better content structuring.

Dear All!
I configured the user notification plugin and nearly all works fine! When I start the workflow, joget opens the rigth form but unfortunately it sends a user-notification to the group of those people, who are allowed to start the workflow. But this ist not neccessary and not intended, because the user who starts a workflow don't need a email-notification that tells him, that he needs to fill the start-form. How can i configure joget to stop notification to the workflow-starter?

Many thanks for your answers already now!


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1 Comment

  1. Hello,

    Did you manage to resolve this issue or does anyone else have any ideas? I have a similar problem in that the original process starter is receiving an email, but the main issue I have is that the email also contains a link to the new task. The email is sent to the user when they begin to fill in the form, by the time the user goes to their email the form has been completed and task is gone. Which means they receive an email to a task that is no longer available. Is there anyway to amend this?

