Hi all,

  I downloaded the binary version of Joget workflow. It comes with Apache-Ant and Apache-Tomcat by default. I used Beanshell Plugin in one of my processes.

My question is that how can we use Apache-Ant with Joget workflow that can run a Java program that imports an external package (a JAR file).

I have a running instance of a java program that builds fine with Apache-Ant. But I want to include that code in BeanShell Plugin. 


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  1. Hi Chait,

    As far as I understood from your post is you are trying to use an external jar in the Beanshell plugin, If I have read you rightly, this is what you need to do... add the entry of the class which you are going to use from your JAR file into the <Import-Package> tag in the pom.xml file and add the dependency details under <dependencies>.

    Hope this shud help.



    1. Hi Vignesh,

          Thanks for replying. I am doing exactly what you said above. I wanted to know in which pom.xml file we have to add the entry?


    2. Hi Vignesh,

          Thanks for replying. I am doing exactly what you said above. I wanted to know in which pom.xml file we have to add the entry?


      Also should the CLASSPATH be defined that points to the JAR file?

      1. Hi Chait,

        If you are customizing Beanshell plugin then its corresponding pom xml needs to be modified (JogetSrc\wflow-plugins\wflow-plugin-beanshell\pom.xml). And I think you need to install the library/Jar to the repository manually using maven before that.

