Can you reference a workflow variable with #variables.VARIABLENAME# in the bean code fora Form Variable? When I do this it doesn't work.... I need to customize the Form Variables contents based on which user is performing an activity. Suggestions? 

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  1. As far as I know, the assignment object is not available in form variable's beanshell script therefore it is not possible to achieve what you are trying to do here. But, instead, you may try to use some javascript coding inside the form itself to process the selection list then as user's input changes.

    Hope this helps.

    1. Thanks this helped. I ended up using a Java Bean Tool that gets the drop down options based on the logged in user, stores this in a workflow variables, and then I used javascript on the form to populate the form. Not as pretty but works just fine. 

  2. Hello,

    I already create simple variables inside eclipse. How can I call the variables from my Joget form builder? 

    1. Hi Azran,

      Can you briefly tell us on what are you trying to achieve?


      1. Hi Hugo,

        Actually I want to call the web service from my form builder that I made. Since I am new with Joget and still struggling IT environment I still have problem on how to call the web service. Can I use custom html to call web service? Or I must create code outside like eclipse, then export as jar file then upload into Joget? Can you show me the basic/ simple steps so I can understand better the flow to call web services. 

        I already try made "Hello world" using custom html into my form bulder. But I still confuse is that the right way? What about if I want to call web service? Hope you have the basic solution for newcomer like me.


        1. Hi Azran,

          Just a quick question. Are you using Joget v2?

          There are many ways to achieve what you wanted I guess. Try to read this as a start.


          1. Hi Hugo,

            Thank you for reply.

            I already downloaded and implement joget-enterprise-setup-3.0.3. I already make the process and form builder. Joget makes that so easy. But I still don't understand how Joget can call the web service. 

            Is there any documentation that teach step by step to implement it?


            1. Hi Azran,

              Perhaps you can try to use jquery's AJAX call for now. You can place the javascript coding in the Custom HTML element in the form. In the AJAX call, you can call your own web service implementation.

              Hope this get you somewhere.


              1. When i start tomcat server to run joget, at that time i get to much messages on server console. Please suggest me how to reremove messages from server console. Thank you.

                1. Hi gaurav,

                  Please post your question in the relevant topic. Thanks.