
I have a workflow variable which is bind to a select box. I have written a bean shell to a section to save the data of that section to database. In that case my workflow variable is not working. When I removed my bean shell then workflow variable works file.

I also tried to set workflow variable value by bean shell but getting following error

"Typed variable declaration : Attempt to resolve method: getBean() on undefined variable or class name: pluginManager : at Line: 10 : in file: inline evaluation of:

``import org.joget.apps.app.service.;{}import org.joget.apps.app.model.; import o . . . '' : pluginManager .getBean ( "workflowManager" )"

Please suggest.



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  1. Hi there,

    I believe the error that you got is the same as this posting. Try to resolve this error first and see if the second one is related or not.


  2. Hi Hugo,

    Yes you are right, I was getting the same error because I was writing the bean shell at store binder but now I added a tool and map the tool to bean shell and then it works.

    But my problem is a bit different. Actually I am writing a bean shell to save the data to database at store binder of form. I also mapped a workflow variable to a select box which is in my form to perform some operations on the basis of that workflow variable. But the problem is workflow variable value is not set on the basis of that select box value and when I removed my bean shell the all works perfectly.

