Hi there,

I'm wondering if there's any interface I can see the time of XPDL/Package being uploaded? So far I could see there's record in db table shkxpdls, column XPDLUploadTime.

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  1. Nope, it's not there for now. You can only see them from the database at the moment.

  2. Hello guys,Please see the following problem and reply me quick as i am stuck here and have very little time plz.

    i have designed a package which has eight processes in it,when i check it for errors using the check validaty option ,it gives no error but when i am trying to upload it to the engine ,it say the package is invalid,the following error appears

    org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.PackageInvalid: Error in package

    plz let me know what can be the problem?thanks

    1. Check to see if this packageId already exists in Joget Workflow.

  3. Hi, I encounter the same exception when I tried to deploy a workflow from the workflow designer. I would like to ask whether there is any solution for the reported issue:

    ERROR 11 Jul 2013 18:12:48 org.joget.workflow.model.service.WorkflowManagerImpl  - org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.PackageInvalid: Error in package
    org.enhydra.shark.api.client.wfservice.PackageInvalid: Error in package
        at org.enhydra.shark.PackageAdmin.openPackage(PackageAdmin.java:818)