hii jogeter

can you help me bout my problem

i add new column in table dir_user  (table default user in joget )

example: column "abc"

why when i call the value of that column with hash variable #performer.activityDefId.abc# (in form builder)  it's didn't work

but when i call the other value (default value) it's work

can someone help me to explain that

sorry about my english


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  1. Hi,

    Only predefined set of Hash Variables as documented here are supported. So, adding a new column in the dir_user table, will not automatically expand the support of Hash Variables.

    Alternatively, you can use BeanShell Plugin, to query for the intended value with SQL, assign the value to a workflow variable, and use the #variable# Hash Variable to display the value of the workflow variable.

    1. Hi Tiensoon,

      I face the same problem right now. i already go through your alternative way, but i can't figure out where should i place/write the query with SQL and how do i assign the value i retrieve from the database to the workflow variable. I dont really understand the example from how to set value to a workflow variable.

      I really hope you could help me on this.


      1. Hi Fasha,

        After you fetch the data from your desired database in a Bean Shell Tool, using the following codes in Setting Workflow Variable Value in Process Tool Bean Shell.

        Hope this helps.

        1. Hi Hugo,

          Thanks for your kind and helpful feedback. I will work on your suggestion. I have one more question about Bean Shell Tool, as it state "A bean shell script can be used to interact with external systems, read and write workflow variables, and modify form data" does this also mean that i could write the script to interact with certain hardware part? For example i need to send some value to a machine, can I used this Bean Shell Tool or i need to write another interfaces to communicate Joget workflow and the machine? 

          I really appreciate your kind reply.


          1. I think you should be able to interact with other systems/processes. Beanshell seems pretty robust - I'd take a look at the capabilities defined in their manual. http://www.beanshell.org/manual/bshmanual.html