Hello !I am using joget. but I encountered one problem when using grid. Everytimes I connect to database, I have to call the functionconnect = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql :/ / localhost: 3307/jwdb? characterEncoding = UTF-8", "root", "");when I changed servers, the connection parameter of database change. Is there a way to change just one time for all the grid?I see in the admin setting there’s the database connection. Is there a way to use these parameters for all grid?
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  1. Hi yehnkay,

    You can use Environment Variables for this purpose.

    Best regards.

    1. thank Owen Ong

  2. Hi there.

    I'm new using joget community version and I have the next question.

    How can I fill a grid using bean shell form binder with the dir_user table. 

    Regards and I hope you can help me.