I want to implement a flow with multiple assignments. the work will go to multiple recipient who will ALL need to complete the task. think of school  homework assignments. every student must finish his homework and submit. Tiensoon mention this can be done via  a beanshell variable and a loop, I am not sure how to achieve this and whether this should become a standard flow element.


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  1. interesting

    still no answer, i hope that doesn't mean there is no solution

  2. Hi, I see this is an old thread but I need to do this as well.  I want to assign an activity to a group, and I need every member of the group to complete it before the workflow proceeds (NOT just a single person).  The members and number of members can vary so I cannot make an individual activity for each member.  Please help. Is there a solution to this?  I am evaluating this product for work and without this ability, we probably won't be able to use it, although I like it very much.  It is much more intuitive and easier to use than other products out there.

    1. You can probably solve this with the beanshell or JSON plugin. With the plugin you need to programmatically read the group, get all of the usernames, and then assign those users to that activity. 

  3. Hi, I have a question.

    Is possible to model an activity that is known as multiple BizAgi instance?


  4. So, any news on how to do it ? :)

    3y guys ......3y.....