

I am new for joget ,

I need small clarification ,,

i am having two options in my menu items ..

1.Here i am having some fields so that i will enter the data that is storing in corresponding table ..this is working fine 

2.Here ..

i need to display the data-list saved data  into text-fields which are all read only format(Not editable )..


How can i fetch the data form datalist...


i am trying like {from.datalist name .column name},

but it is not working ,please help me as i need to complete my work ,i am confused completely..



  1. Walter

    Your question is not clear, how do you save the data in "some fields" you mentioned in step 1 the first place? A screenshot or sample app attached would be very helpful to state your problem.

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1 answer


    Hi, not sure how to help as I don't understand the question. This article on stackoverflow might help with tips on a good way to ask a question http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask

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