There's a delete action button to delete rows in a datalist, but how do I make an edit button to edit the data in the rows?

  1. Jagadeeshkumar Viswanathan

    Even I need to do that, can you share how u do that

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1 answer


    Hi  -  this is how it works for me:

    a.  Add the form on the userview that you would like to use ti edit the row. take note of the name as it will be the "hyperlink"

    b. add a hiperlink on the datalist and reference the form name above as the hyperlink

    c. add the hyperlink parameter matching the parameter "Id" to the name "ID" for example, so the form knows what row to fetch.

    when you run the datalist, you would see a link on the right for each row... 

    let me know if you have any questions-


    1. genti

      Hi, I am trying what you wrote above but when I click edit the forms that opens has no data in it and if I click save it creates a new record

    2. Jagadeeshkumar Viswanathan

      Hi anthony, 
      I couldn't get you, can you please elaborate this..

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