
I have a scenario where the task will be sent to task initiator for rework and when I route it to the starting activity, i get the below error in designer -

"Starting activity can't have incoming transitions except the one from start marker or circular one"

How can we avoid this error and link the transition to the desired starting activity? is there a work around for this? 



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  1. I'm thinking of having a dummy tool activity as start activity, not sure whether that would be the best approach.

    1. This is a possible workaround, by using a Route after the Run Process / first activity.

      1. Tiensoon, Thanks for your suggestion.

  2. Hello Tiensoon, Please see the following problem.
    I mad a package in the workflow desinger and then i wanted to put different processes in that,i designed the first process then the second and then i saw that the third process is the same as the second with only a minor difference,Now i right clicked on the second process that i had already developed and click the duplicate process option and i got a copy of the second process.Now i changed its name and then went to the designer window to make other changes as required for my third process,Now in the second process i had 10 participants while i needed 9 participants in the third process so in my third process i deleted the last participant to make it 9 as it was a copy of the second process.

    The Problem:

    Now when i clicked back on my second process i was very shocked to see that all the arrows were disordered and the last participant that i had deleted in my third process (which was a copy of the second process) was also disabled in the second process and the participant name was renamed by 'Arbitrary Expression'.

    Now please tell me what could be the problem,am i doing the duplication in a wrong way or is my workflow software corrupt or is this an internal bug or any other problem,shouldn't i use the this option again or i am using it in wrong situations.  thank you.

    1. Hi Salman,

      If you are creating 3 processes in the same package, all 3 processes will share the participants. And we can reuse Process1's participants in Process2, as long as they are in the same package.

      If you don't want to share participant, then you will need to create a different package.