Joget DX 8 Stable Released
The stable release for Joget DX 8 is now available, with a focus on UX and Governance.
I have 2 forms
Purchase Order for Workflow (table=imerge_purchaseorder_wf) contains Status and recordId
which embeds a sub-form
Purchase Order Plain (table = imerge_po_base) contains PurchaseOrderId
I want to show PurchaseOrderId from Purchase Order Plain as well as Status from Purchase Order for Workflow form in my list. How can I do it?
Hi, the default Form Data Binders currently only allow you to pick up columns from a single table. To display data from multiple tables in a list, you can use the JDBC Datalist Binder instead which allows you to specify a query to join whichever tables you like.
Hope this helps!
Riky Perdana
I tried it with storing 2 forms in 1 table, yet the datalist builder can't show the subform's fields
I also made 1 hidden field to each form so the subform can connect to it's parent, just like the knowledge base suggest on 'Subform Page'
Nothing worked. Any idea?