
I tried to use subforms in my forms. Somtimes it works to put in data and display them, sometimes not.(tired with the same table and own table for the subform)

Can someone say something about the parameters ?

Load Binder

Store Binder

Parent Field to keep Subform ID

Subform Field to keep Parent ID

in V2 it was possible to put #form.formDataTableName.fieldName#  directly into a textfield. 

is this also possible in V3 ?



  • No labels


  1. the funny thing is... it works with one subform.( i have 3 different in my form).

    if I change the forms in the subforms, then it works in this case with the "new" form.


  2. Load Binder - where to load the data from

    Store Binder - where to store the data to

    Parent Field to keep Subform ID - which field in your parent form to store the ID of the subform entity

    Subform Field to keep Parent ID - which field in your subform to store the ID of your parent form.

    Hope it helps.

  3. Hi Hugo ;o)

    mhhh for the Binder I can choos only the workflow form Binder or leave it empty...

    in both times it goes to the same database ?

    or does it mean it keeps it in a seperate binder ?



  4. Hi again,

    I discovered the following:

    i create a main form.

    in this main form i add a checkbox with 3 opions.

    the 3 options enable 3 sections.

    in every of this section i have a subform (with own database)

    only in the first of the 3 forms the information are stored in the database....

    if I create 3 checkboxes with only one option then it works ...



  5. Hello Friends ,Please can anyone explain to me what does the following options that are added in the new version v3.0 do?
    1)Store binder

    2) Load Binder

    3)Options Binder

    please suggest me any article or reference that explains the above in detail,I will be highly thankful.

    1. Load Binder - where to load the data from, natively load from the table chosen in Form Builder.

      Store Binder - where to store the data to, natively save to the table chosen in Form Builder.

      Options Binder - used to fill in options in elements like checkboxes, select and so on. Mimic what form variable does in version 2.

      We are still in the midst of getting the actual release of v3 out as soon as possible, therefore, the priority is on the development as for the moment. For sure, we will work on the documentation and guides soon after.

      Hope it helps.

      1. thanks for your time Hugo brother....