
I'm creating a Purchase Order approval process.  Using the default Expense Claim example.

Process is "New Request" and then goes to Manager to "Approve, Reject or Resubmit"

So far all ok except for the Resubmit.  I have a data list for Resubmit entries where I filter to the Username and PO_status="Resubmit", and when I preview the datalist, it correctly shows the items in this list waiting for resubmit.

However, when I create the Data List Inbox item in the Userview, and connect it to relevant resubmit process, it returns 0 rows when I run it.

I'm new to Joget, and am learning as I go.  I've gone through the tutorials, and have picked up a lot.  However this has me totally stumped.

I've tried to make sure I duplicated the Expense Claim Resubmit process - but I may have missed something.

Please see my attached PO application for reference.  The system uses Performer to submit and Performer Head of Dept to do the approval or resubmit.

My PO App


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  1. Before going into your problem, there's no way for your process to flow into the desired activity, "Resubmit Request"

    1. PO_status is NOT declared as a workflow variable. Declared variable "status" is not in use.

    2. Decision at form element "status" is not writing to the workflow variable intended.

    1. Thanks Walter,

      I've fixed the Process by removing the unused variable and replaced it with PO_status.

      I've included PO_status in Workflow variable of the properties of Manager Approved Status variable.

      The problem still persists.  What I don't understand is that the table for purchase_orders is updated with PO_status = to "Resubmit", yet still does not display in the Data List Inbox.  What's weird is that if I preview Purchase Orders Resubmitted, the filter actually does display the correct info when signed in as the specified user.

      You are saying that there is no way for my process to flow into the desired activity?  Why would that be the case?  Is this why the Data List Inbox does not display even though the fields in the DB are updated correctly?

      See below, in the Manager Approval form where I've updated the Advanced area of status field (PO_status ID), and included PO_status in the workflow variable area.

      1. ?

        The problem still persists. What I don't understand is that the table for purchase_orders is updated with PO_status = to "Resubmit", yet still does not display in the Data List Inbox. What's weird is that if I preview Purchase Orders Resubmitted, the filter actually does display the correct info when signed in as the specified user.

        Check if you are really getting the "Resubmit Request" assignment in your Inbox first. The Datalist Inbox failed to retrieve the selected activity from the list of available assignments.

        You are saying that there is no way for my process to flow into the desired activity? Why would that be the case? Is this why the Data List Inbox does not display even though the fields in the DB are updated correctly?

        Yes. As explained earlier, no value is set into PO_status workflow variable thus failed to fulfill the condition set in your process design making it impossible to create "Resubmit Request" activity assignment. And yes, because there's no assignment.

        1. Thanks - got it sorted.

          Problem was in the Map to ?Participants area of the Process.  Because the Manager was the "last performer", and the Re-submit activity returned back to the Requestor swim-lane, the Performer now became the Manager due to the mapping being set to "Previous Activity" instead of back to the "Edit Request" activity.

          Thanks for your help.