How to internationalize your Apps?

From the App perspective, you can use the App Message Hash Variable to make sure that your app is internationalized


Messages is used to manage customised locale messages and is particularly useful when you need to use a custom label in your forms, for adhering to certain locale.

After managing your messages here, see Hash Variable - App Message to append the i18n labels in your app.

Managing messages at Application level should only be done if you need to use custom messages that are not applicable to other applications.

Figure 1: Properties & Export - Message

Import PO File- Import a .po file to the App.

Generate PO File- Generate a .po file of selected locale in the App.

Figure 2: Add Message

Add Message - You may add your own message key value into your App.

Table of contents


You can also refer to Hash Variable - App Message (Internationalization)

How to set up the platform to support internationalization?

Joget Workflow supports multi-language from platform perspective as well as from the user perspective. To ensure that you have the language files, please download from and import the respective language files into your installation. 

Figure 1: System Settings - Manage Messages

In this section, one can manage and override the system's message.

Most of the message bundle files can be located in

Excerpt of

You may add in new message or override existing message key value by clicking on Add Message.

You can also Import PO File from Joget's translate site at

How to Import Translated Messages Into Joget Workflow

Let's take the Korean language as an example. After downloading the .po files, follow these steps to import the translated messages:

  1. Navigate to System Settings > Manage Messages.
  2. Click on the "Import PO File" button.
  3. Browse through for the .po file that you downloaded, then upload it.
  4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the rest of the .po files.

To enable the Korean language display, navigate to System Settings > System Setup, look for the System Locale option, then select the relevant locale which, for this example, is ko. Click on the "Submit" button; the selected locale (language) will take immediate effect.

For other languages, please refer to the corresponding locale as written above.

Setting the locale on the fly

Setting the locale on-the-fly

You may append the parameter named "_lang" to override the current locale that you are seeing. For example, you can set the locale to Chinese by setting "_lang=zh_CN".

To reset, simply set the parameter "_lang" value to empty.

More info: Manage Messages

  • No labels