Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents


The Import Menu is a feature to import bulk data (in a .csv or Excel file) into a specific Joget form. The Import Menu properties allow you to perform simple column-to-field mapping. When importing records, you can specify the following import mode:


During import, you can click the "Validate data" checkbox to perform data validation based on the form field validation rules.

Figure 1: Import Element in UI Runtime

Import Properties

Configure Import

Figure 2: Import Menu Properties 

LabelThe UI Builder page component label. You can add Font Awesome Icons into your component labels. Default label is Import.
Menu ID

Optional custom component id. Value defined here must be unique to the rest of the page components as the first matching name will be called upon.


Specify on where to store the data by choosing a target form. The target form's store binder will be called upon for data storage.

titlePost Form Submission Processing

Any Tool mapped under Post Form Submission Processing of the target form will be triggered each time a record updated or created.

Important: The tool mapped will be triggered regardless of the Run Tool on attribute.

Column Mapping
Column Number

Column number from the source file. Column number starts from zero.

Field Name

Corresponding element ID in the form set above to be mapped to.

If you are referring to a Subform in the target form, remember to prepend the field name with subform element ID followed by an underscore.


Subform ID: subform

Form ID set in the Subform: child

Field ID in the subform: name

Field Name: subform_child_name

Use Formatted Value

Check this field to use Formatted Value instead of the default Raw/Cell Value.


Key Column NumberDefine column number that defines the record id. Column number starts from zero.
Start From Row NumberDefine which row number to start processing. Row number starts from zero.
Custom CSV Delimiter CharacterSymbol to represent the delimiter separator.
Custom CSV Quote CharacterSymbol to represent the regular quote character.

Action Properties

Figure 3: Action Properties

Confirmation MessageConfirmation Message.
Message to show when error occurMessage shown when error occur.
Message to show after data importedMessage shown after data imported.
Redirection (Hyperlink)URL to redirect, for example, to redirect to the CRUD List.

UI Properties

Figure 4: UI Properties

Custom HeaderCustom Header in HTML.
Custom FooterCustom Footer in HTML.
Disable delete record featureDisables the option for end users to delete records.

Advanced Properties

Figure 5: Import Menu Properties - Advanced

When checked, it will check the uploaded file if it is a valid UTF-8 encoded file
Disable delete record feature

When checked, the end user will not be able to delete a record through the import menu page.

UTF-8 Encoding Checking?When checked, it will check the uploaded file if it is a valid UTF-8 encoded file.
UI Userview Key Name

Corresponding element ID in the form set above to be mapped to (same like the mapping in "Column Mapping" abovein Figure 2).

When defined, the Userview UI Key value will be saved into the field defined here.

UTF-8 Encoding Checking?




With the configurations above, we will attempt to import the following data in the screenshot below.

Figure 6: Source data highlighting data that will be imported into the target form's database table (master)

Figure 7: Data written into the form table (master)

Figure 8: Source data highlighting data that will be imported into the target form's subform's database table (child)

Figure 9: Data written into the form table (child)

Performance & Offline 

Image RemovedImage Added

Figure 10: Import Menu Properties - Performance & Offline Settings 




Caching options are:

  • None: No caching.
  • Application: Cache content by application where all users will see the same content.
  • User: Cache by username
Duration (s)Duration in seconds to cache content, defaults to 20 seconds if applicable.

Read more at Performance Improvement with UI Caching.

PWA Offline Settings

Note: PWA Offline support is dependent on the theme used.



Enable cache for offline supportCheck this to enable caching for offline support, usually set for use on mobile browsers.
Read Progressive Web Application (PWA) for more information


Import UI Element For Joget User Records

The Joget User Mgnt Utility has an import menu to import user records into Joget DX. You can download the app from Joget Marketplace.

Download Demo App

Download the following sample app and CSV file to demonstrate the use of Import Menu.

