Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


SpreadsheetElement ID of the form element.
LabelSpreadsheet label/title.

The spreadsheet column(s) is defined here.

ValueField ID of the column.
LabelColumn header title/label.
Format Type

Defines the type of input to store.

Default format type is Text.

Available Data Types:

  • Text - format the value as text
  • Numeric - accepts a numeric value (See Format documentation)
  • Date - accepts a date type value
  • Time - accepts a time type value
  • Checkbox - appears as a checkbox to check
  • Dropdown - appears as a dropdown menu to select options
  • Autocomplete - autocompletes any known phrases
  • Password - obscures any alphanumerical value into a password
  • Custom

Defines the format to show data on the spreadsheet based on the chosen format type.

  • Numeric - Key in format accepted by numbrojs library.
  • Date - Key in format accepted by moment.js  library.
  • Time - Key in format accepted by moment.js library.
  • Dropdown - Key in Form ID that contains the equivalent dropdown element.
  • Autocomplete - See handsontable for samples.
  • Custom - See handsontable for samples.
Regex ValidationValidates input value to match the defined Regular Expression pattern.

Defines a formula to perform processing.

Refer to Figure 1 & Figure 2 for a simple example.


Example: sales + profit-loss

Image Added



ReadonlyDefines if the column is editable.

Image Modified

Figure 3 : Spreadsheet Form Element Properties - UI


Enable Header Sorting?Determines if users can sort spreadsheet data by column in ascending or descending order.
Data Order Field IDField to keep the ordering sequence. Must correspond with a field id in the target form.
ReadonlyDefines if the entire spreadsheet is editable.
Disable Add FeatureDetermines if a new row can be added.
Disable Delete FeatureDetermines if a row can be removed.
Show Row Numbering?

Show additional column on the leftmost to denote numbering.


Row numbering checked.

Number of columns to fixed on left 
Number of spare rows

Number of spare row to be added automatically after lines with values.


1 spare row



Custom Settings (JSON) 


Image Modified

Figure 4 : Spreadsheet Form Element Properties - Validation & Data Binder
