Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • Plugin Properties Options allow a plugin to gather configuration data from a plugin user.
  • Plugin Properties Options should be returned in the abstract method "getPropertyOptions" of each plugin.




  • 插件属性选项允许插件从插件用户收集配置数据。
  • 插件属性选项应该在每个插件的抽象方法“getPropertyOptions”中返回。


  • 插件属性选项是JSON格式。
  • 插件属性选项是一个属性页面对象的数组
  • 属性页面对象具有称为“title”和“properties”的两个强制属性。它还具有称为“validators”和“buttons”的2个可选属性。
Code Block
Code Block
        title : 'Page Title',
        properties : [
                name : 'Property Name',
                label : 'Property Label',
                description : 'Property Description', //optional, default is NULL
                type : 'Property Type',
                value : 'Property Value', //optional, default is null
                required : 'Mandatory or Not', //optional, 'true' or 'false', default is 'false'
                //… more attributes …
            }, //… more fields …
        validators : [  //optional
            //… properties custom validators …
        buttons : [  //optional
            //… custom properties page buttons …
    }, //… more properties page …





Check Box

  • type : 'CheckBox'

    Code Editor

    Combine Grid

    • Combine Grid is used to migrate 2 or more single value property fields from old version plugin (etc Text Field & Select Box) to multi values field in Grid View.
    • Combine Grid does not support 'value' attribute.
    • Grid 用于将两个或多个单值属性字段从旧版本插件(等待文本字段和选择框)迁移到GridView中的多值字段。
    • Combine Grid 不支持“value”属性
    • type type : 'GridCombine'
    • columns : A JSON array of  'column' JSON objects which has 2 mandatory JSON数组必须有JSON 对象。 {key : 'key' & ', label : ' attributes and 2 optional 'required' & 'options' attribute. 
      • key : Identifier of this column. This value need to be same with the field 'name' that need to migrate from single value field to multiple value field.
      • label : Label of the column header
      • options : Optional, an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes. A column with 'options' attribute will display the input field as select box.
      • required : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
      Columns'}   其中 key ,lable 必填,required 和 options 选填 
      • key :此列的标识符。该值需要 与  需要从单值字段迁移到多个值字段的字段“name”相同。
      • label : 列标题的标签
      • options : 可选,  具有“ value”和“label”属性的JSON对象数组。具有'options'属性的列将显示输入字段作为选择框。
      • required : 可选,'true'或'false'。“row”和“column”的“required”属性设置为“true”值的网格单元是必填字段。
      Code Block
      columns : [
          {key : 'key', label : 'Columns'}, 
      Code Block
      columns : [
          {key : 'keyvalue', label : 'Columns'}, 
          {key : 'value', label : 'Value', required: 'true'},
          {key : 'label', label : 'Label', required: 'true'},
          {key : 'width', label : 'Width', options:[
              {value : '10%', label : '10%'},
              {value : '20%', label : '20%'},
              {value : '30%', label : '20%'},
              {value : '40%', label : '20%'}
    • Refer to Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
    • Refer to Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - Combine Grid Field on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.

    Element Select Box

    Image Removed

    Element Select Box

    Image Added

    • type type : 'ElementSelect'
    • url : A URL which will return Properties Options JSON object of the selected element. Built-in URL is 将返回所选元素的属性选项JSON对象的URL。内置的URL是 "[CONTEXT_PATH]/web/property/json[APP_PATH]/getPropertyOptions" which will return the Properties Options JSON object of a plugin.这将会返回插件属性中的 json 对象。
    • keep_value_on_change : Optional,  可选,'true' or 'false'. Used to decide whether to keep the configuration of the properties options of previous selected element when a new element is selected.
    • Refer to Option Field Attributes for extra attributes.
    • Refer to Dependency Field Attributes for extra attributes to do show/hide this field based on other field value.
    • Usually used for select a plugin and configure the properties of the selected plugin.
    • Refer to Retrieve Properties Value in Plugin - ElementSelectBox on how to use the value of this field type in the plugin code.

    Fixed Row Grid

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    Fixed Row Grid

    Image Added

    • type : 'GridFixedRow'
    • columns :具有2个强制“key ”和“label ”属性的“列” ,JSON对象的JSON数组和2个可选的“required ”和“options ”属性。
      • key :此列的标识符。
      • label : 列标题的标签
      • options : 可选,  具有“ value”和“label”属性的JSON对象数组。具有'options'属性的列将显示输入字段作为选择框。
      • required : 可选,'true'或'false'。“row”和“column”的“required”属性设置为“true”值的网格单元是必填字段。
    • rows : 具有'label'属性和可选的“required”属性的“row”  JSON对象的JSON数组。“row” , “column”的“required”属性设置为“true”的网格单元是必填字段。
      • label : 一行的标签。用于填充第一列或每行。
      • required : 可选,'true'或'false'。“row”和“column”的“required”属性设置为“true”值的网格单元是必填字段。
    • value : JSON对象格式的JSON列数组,其中所有用作“column”对象的“key”属性用作属性。
    • type : 'GridFixedRow'
    • columns : A JSON array of 'column' JSON objects which has 2 mandatory 'key' & 'label' attributes and 2 optional 'required' & 'options' attribute. 
      • key : Identifier of this column.
      • label : Label of the column header
      • options : Optional, an array of JSON object with 'value' and 'label' attributes. A column with 'options' attribute will display the input field as select box.
      • required : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
    • rows : A JSON array of 'row' JSON Object with 'label' attribute and an optional 'required' attribute. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
      • label : Label of a row. Used to populate in the first column or every row.
      • required : Optional, 'true' or 'false'. A grid cell with the 'required' attribute of 'row' and 'column' set to 'true' value is a mandatory field.
    • value : A JSON array of grid row values in JSON Object format with all the 'key' attribute of 'column' object used as attribute.  
    Code Block
    columns : [
        {key : 'key', label : 'Columns'}, // first column will used to populate row label
        {key : 'value', label : 'Value', required: 'true'},
        {key : 'label', label : 'Label', required: 'true'},
        {key : 'width', label : 'Width', options:[
            {value : '10%', label : '10%'},
            {value : '20%', label : '20%'},
            {value : '30%', label : '20%'},
            {value : '40%', label : '20%'}
    rows : [
        {label : 'Username', required: 'true'},
        {label : 'Status'},
        {label : 'Message'},
        {label : 'Date'}
    value : [
        {label : 'Username'},
        {label : 'Status'},
        {label : 'Message', width : '20%'},
        {label : 'Date', value : 'dateCreated'}
