Versions Compared


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This plugin bundle is compatible with Joget DX 7 and Joget Workflow v6.


Source Code

The source code for the plugin is available at

Installing the Plugin

  1. To download the plugin file (.jar), do look for the latest plugin release at JogetOSS:

  2. Upload the downloaded .jar file through into your Joget platform via Manage Plugins.

  3. Map and configure the tool Hyperledger Fabric Tool plugin to any Process Tool or Post Form Submission Processing.

  4. Map and configure the datalist binder Hyperledger Fabric Datalist Binder to any Datalist Binder.

  5. Sample connection profile to the Fabcar network:

    Map and configure the form binder Hyperledger Fabric Form Binder to any Form Load Binder.

  6. A sample app for Joget Enterprise Edition is available for download here:

  7. .


  8. The source code for the plugin is available at

Sample App

This sample app reuses the "fabcar" example from this Hyperledger Fabric - Writing Your First Application Guide.


View file

Sample connection profile to the Fabcar network:


Figure 1: Hyperledger Fabric configuration


Figure 4: Storing transaction status to workflow variable



Updated for compatibility with Joget DX7

Upgraded to fabric-sdk-java 2.2.19
Upgraded to gson 2.9.1
Upgraded to bouncycastle 1.70

6.2.2Upgraded to fabric-sdk-java 2.2.6
Upgraded to commons-io 2.8.0
Upgraded to guava 3.1.1-jre
6.2.1Updated for Hyperledger Fabric 2.2
6.2.0Updated for Hyperledger Fabric 2.0
6.1.0Updated for Hyperledger Fabric 1.4 on IBM Blockchain Platform
6.0.0Initial release

Common Errors And Troubleshooting
