
I'm running the community edition of Joget (snapshot 3.1). I've read in a couple places within this forum that it might be possible to export the entire App (as a ZIP?) (including processes, users/groups/organizations, forms, userviews, etc.) so that I can load it onto my production server. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find the export feature.

Under the jw console (http://localhost:8080/jw/web/console/home), there are a few options in the head navigation bar 1) Users 2) Design Apps, 3) Run Apps 4) Monitor Apps. Under 2) Design Apps, my App is listed with two options below to 'Design New App' and 'Import App'. I would expect to find the 'Export App' here, but alas, it doesn't exist here.

Is there an option somewhere else within this console to export it? If not, what are my other options for bringing this out to my production server? If exporting the database tables is my only option, which tables/data do I need to export? (Maybe everything...)



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  1. In your individual app that you have developed (say CRM), click on Export. Go to your production server, and import in the zip file using the way you described. (Import & Export)