
Im newbie using Joget, hope you guys can help me here. I want to know can i send data from Visual Basic to Joget? For example, i want to send a few data (numbers) from the VB to Joget and view the data in the Datalist. How can i do that?


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  1. Hi Fasha,

    Can you tell us more on your use case? Why do you want to do this? Only then we can advise you accordingly.


  2. Hi

    I have a similar requirement.

    My use case is that I have an existing application which presents an HTML form (it's multi-page). This is an Account Application Form so has probably about 40+ fields. I currently store this into an MSSQL database with 3 tables - Main Data, Contacts, References.

    When a prospective customer applies for an account I want to start a process to verify the application and approve the creation of a new account, with all the usual emails notifications, reminders etc.

    The participant reviewing the application ideally would see the form data inside Joget and not have to refer to the other system.

    How would I pass in all the form data? Is the only way as described briefly in http://dev.joget.org/community/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8717856&focusedCommentId=8717945 ?

    Can I have relational tables/records in Joget?



    1. Hi Russell,

      Let me break it down and analyze for you.

      From your description, you have external HTML form so I assume that you have all submission, data storing, validation all handled already. There's no need for you to use Joget's Form Builder to redesign the forms and go through the whole form design process again.

      Solution is to use External Form. Joget will not be storing any form data within itself. You can still use Joget for the email notification, reminders, etc.

      Hope it helps.