Joget is so good! great open source product!

i want to develop it, but How to develop Joget in Eclipse IDE? help me!


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  1. Hi Thanh Son,

    You may want to have a look at the Building from Source page in the Knowledge Base. Joget is built using Apache Maven, so it can be built using the command line Maven tools. For Eclipse, there are plugins to integrate Maven e.g.

    Netbeans would also be a good choice as an IDE because it has good Maven integration. Hope this helps!

    1. I see! Thank you very much!

    2. When i build Joget by command: mvn install

      everything is ok until build wflow-directory like below:

      [INFO] Surefire report directory: D:\Joget-v2\joget\wflow-directory\target\suref
      log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.springframework.test.cont
      log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

      I think it can not connect to mysql server, but i'm not sure. how can i solve this problem? help me!

  2. when I run ant -f mavenset.xml I get the following


    C:\Joget-v2\setup-maven.xml:13: Execute failed: Cannot ru

    ram "mvn": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

    any suggestions?
    C:\Joget-v2\setup-maven.xml:13: Execute failed: Cannot ru
    ram "mvn": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

    1. Hi kapil garg, 

      Maybe you can have a look at Build wflow-directory FAILURE

      Good luck!

    2. you may need to change "mvn" to "mvn.bat" in setup-maven.xml ... I got the same error and it worked fine whaen i changed it..

  3. Is there any guide to building Joget in Eclipse? I had downloaded the source code from GitHub. Thanks.

    1. Hi,

      Please refer this link for the steps and pre-requisites to be installed -

      Once you have the ant and maven installed, you can use the import option in eclipse to import the maven projects (the different components of workflow source code).

      Let me know if you are not clear on the steps.

      1. Thx for the reply.