help me to inform about using subflow (on workflow designer) or any reference about it?


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  1. well, subflow problem has been solve,

    i use subflow to eficient draw the workflow

    then, when i go to "Run A Process" form, the subflow still show on list , how to remove this?


    1. Hi Ario!

      A subflow is right fully a process that should also be executable. This is the reason why it also appears on the 'Run a Process' list. If you wish to hide this from all users, you can configure the sub flow, such that the 'Process Start White List' points to a user that does not use the system in service mode (such as admin). Go to the Update Process page of the sub flow, and under Participant Mapping, you will find 'Process Start White List' at the bottom of the list. Just map 'admin' user to this and all other users will not see this process in their 'Run a Process' page.

      I hope this helps!

      1. thanks, but there is a problem?

        for example ;

        Package name

        Proses Name



        Departemen Finance

        sub flow set proses start
        white list as admin


        Departemen Remedial

        sub flow, set proses start
        white list as admin


        Memo Persetujuan Biaya Kasus

        proses start form here;
        set proses start
        white list as none

        when i set proses start white list , on subflow, as admin (folowing ur suggest) ,

        the result is: all other user cant see all proses. include main proses.

        the target is how to hide subflow, and only show main proses.?



        1. Hi Ario,

          Process Start White List allows only those listed to see. When left blank, every user should see. There should not be any mapping under Process Start White List for your Process name Memo Persetujuan Biaya Kasus. If there's something there, click on Remove Mapping. I've just tried this again (just in case a recent update changed the behaviour) and it looks to be working as expected.

          I'd try out on a fresh package, with just minimal participant and activity, create 3 processes in that package, and try to set the white list again to see the results.


          1. well, the problem solve (i think)

            to hide subflow, we not able to left blank = Proses start white list, it must set

            to user/group that we allow to acces, for each process in detail.

            if we set blank, like previous example, the result is :

            Process name "Memo Persetujuan Biaya Kasus" still refer set proses start
            white list as admin. (even we don't set any mapping)

            same as proses name "Dept remedial" or "Dept finance"

            in this case, the other user except admin can't see the main proses.

            nice clue


          2. Good day! I have defined a loop based on the change in a state that depends on the intervention of a user who reviews the process every day. But I need to keep the comments made in each of the reviews, to have a history. Any idea?