
I want to know whether advanced form customization functionalities available with Form builder? Because if we are not going for external forms, by default the Name given for the form is coming as the header of the form and the default format of the form builder (font size, colour, etc ) will only be applicable for the forms developed using the form builder is available.

When I checked in the forms folder where the forms that were being developed are getting persisted, it is only having the fields that we have added using the form builder is available, Kindly let me know whether any advanced functionality available to add these features to have customized headers, font related changes can be done using the same.



  • No labels


  1. The look-and-feel of the forms designed with Form Builder is influenced by a CSS - http://localhost:8080/wflow-wfweb/lib/css/formbuilder.css

    So, if you change the joget-installation-dir/apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/wflow-wfweb/lib/css/formbuilder.css, the styling will be applied to all forms. You can also apply some customized CSS classes in a specific form, by using the Custom HTML element.

    1. Hi Tiensoon,

      Thanks a lot for the Info, I will try the same and let you know if I need further help.



  2. hi Tiensoon,

    i just want to know, why the fileupload widget can't be enable on mobile view?

    how to enable on mobile view
