Hi, I'm using Joget Workflow 2.0.1 build 705 integrated with an external web application, I'm already using the JSON API and it's great all is working fine, but now I need to pupulate a dropdownlist with the Activities of a process when I select a Process first (cascade), so my question is if there any function that I can use for it, or If I can make that query into the database, in which table can I find that information???

I'm using Oracle 10g as database.

Please let me know, your answer as soon as posible I'm running out of time.

Thanks and Regards.



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1 Comment

  1. Hi Marvin,

    There's a script readily available to embed the process list and Inbox in a table, check this out - http://dev.joget.org/community/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1081355

    There's no script to list the Activities of a selected process but you can use the JSON api to get the list of running activities of a process


    You can check out the JSON api page in Knowledge base - http://dev.joget.org/community/display/KB/JSON+API

    Also you can get the activities list from the 'shkactivitydata' table. Let us know if you have any questions.