
The LDAP Directory Manager allows you to integrate Joget with your existing AD/LDAP server. The enhanced LDAP Directory Manager implements all methods on the Joget Directory Manager class. In other words, it has been made possible to list and navigate through user, department and group entities in Joget itself. This plugin will allow you to seamlessly manage your Active Directory(AD) within Joget apps. You will achieve these once you configured this plugin.
  • AD users can login with their AD username & password in Joget apps.
  • AD user data not stored inside dir_user table.
    • All user-data related operations will query the AD
  • Able to view AD users in Joget user management in READONLY mode
  • AD user credentials are managed outside of Joget's control
    • via preferred LDAP browser
  • Local users can still login, if valid credentials exist in dir_user table.
  • MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) cannot be turned on because there is no SEDM ( Security Enhanced Directory Manager).

Cautions And Warnings

Do not lock yourself out when you are configuring any Directory Manager plugin. Keep your browser session open and perform actual test in other machine/browser so that in case of any wrong configurations used, you can still continue to make amends.

In case you have a misconfiguration and cannot login, you can make use of the credential set during configuration ( Admin Username (Principal) & Admin Password (Credential) ) to login as the administrator.

Should you forgotten all the details during LDAP or any Security Enhanced Directory Manager configuration and you have Locked yourself out,  please use this workaround :

To disable your LDAP plugin, get into the database

1) Remove the password column value in dir_user

  • Replace the password column value with new value : admin

2) In wf_setup >delete any directory manager records

  • Remove the 2 rows that starts with "directoryManager".

Then, Joget Workflow will fallback to default directory manager again.

Once you are ready to reconfigure a new LDAP within Joget, turn on Debug Mode when configuring your LDAP and test using other browsers so that you don't lock yourself out again.


The LDAP Directory Manager has a Debug Mode (option in the last tab) which is highly recommended to be turned on when configuring the LDAP plugin for the first time or when you are having issues. When debug mode is on, you can find all the search queries performed by the directory manager. They will all be logged into the joget.log files. From there, you can observe the search filter string and improve the accuracy and performance of the lookup. You can remove the debug checkbox once everything is running well.

User license determines how many eventual users (sorted alphabetically by username in ascending order) from your LDAP/AD who can login to Joget. Make sure that you configure the plugin accordingly.

As for the 3 users limitation with trial license, you will need to remove all the other users until your test user can be at the top 3 spot in the user list.

LDAP Directory Manager Properties

Configure LDAP Directory Manager

Figure 1: Configure LDAP Directory Manager

  • ldap://IP_ADDRESS:389
  • ldaps://IP_ADDRESS:636
Admin Username (Principal) 

LDAP username with read permission to LDAP/AD.
Example: cn=admin,dc=joget,dc=org

Admin Password (Credential) 
Root DN 



Figure 2: Users Properties


User Base DN

User Base DN

If you set the "User Base DN" to your LDAP Root DN, it means that the search will start from the Root DN until it finds all the results that matched the search filter.

So, setting the "User Base DN" precisely is very important as it will decide where the search is starting from. It will save all the unnecessary search between the Root DN to your "User Base DN".

DC=Product Department,DC=joget,DC=org

If your users are all under "DC=Users,DC=joget,DC=org", you should set this to "User Base DN".

By doing this, it will not go through all the other entries and it's child entries before reaching "DC=Users,DC=joget,DC=org".

User Import Search Filter



This mean all the LDAP entries which have "objectClass" attribute equals to "person" and "cn" attribute equals to either "admin", "cat", "jack", "john" or "jackie" are Joget users.

So, when a login is performed by "admin", the search filter will add additional filter and become "(&(&(objectClass=person)(|(cn=admin)(cn=cat)(cn=jack)(cn=john)(cn=jackie)))(cn=admin))". 

You will notice an extra (cn=admin) is added to the search filter to make sure it return only the "admin" user.

User license determines on how many eventual users (sorted alphabetically) from your LDAP/AD can log in into the system. You can make use of this attribute to control amount of users returned from your LDAP.
For the trial license, there is a 3-user limitation: if you would like to perform tests on several test users, you will need to remove all the other users until your test user can be in the top 3 spots in the user list.
Do refer LDAP User Management

Please refer to other LDAP Search Filter syntax.

Attribute Mapping - Username


Attribute Mapping - First Name


Attribute Mapping - Last Name


Attribute Mapping - Email


Attribute Mapping - Status

Attribute Mapping - Time Zone


Attribute Mapping - Locale



Figure 3: Employment Properties

Attribute Mapping - Employee Code

Attribute Mapping - Job Title

Attribute Mapping - Report To

Map To "Report To" Entry Attribute

Attribute Mapping - Groups

Map To LDAP Group Entry Primary Attribute


A distinguished name (usually just shortened to “DN”) uniquely identifies an entry and describes its position in the DIT. ... DNs are comprised of zero or more comma-separated components called relative distinguished names, or RDNs.

Directory ServiceDN Entity Name
Microsoft ADdistinguishedName
Attribute Mapping - Departments

Map To LDAP Department Entry Primary Attribute
Attribute Mapping - Grade

Map To LDAP Grade Entry Primary Attribute
Attribute Mapping - Metas

Additional attributes to retrieve using #user.USERNAME.meta.KEY# or #currentUser.meta.KEY#

KeyKey name
AttributeAttribute name in LDAP


Figure 4: Group Properties

Group Base DN

Group Import Search Filter


Please refer to other LDAP Search Filter syntax.

Attribute Mapping - ID
Attribute Mapping - Name
Attribute Mapping - Description
Attribute Mapping - Users
Map To LDAP User Entry Primary Attribute


Figure 5: Department Properties


Department Base DN

Department Import Search Filter


Please refer to other LDAP Search Filter syntax.

Attribute Mapping - ID


Attribute Mapping - Name


Attribute Mapping - Description


Attribute Mapping - HOD


Attribute Mapping - Users


If the department object itself contains the users that belong to the department, define the attribute name here. For example, in the figure below, we can define "member" as the value here. There's no need to define anything else in "Employment" tab earlier for this case.

Map To LDAP User Entry Primary Attribute



Figure 6: Grade Properties

Grade Base DN

Grade Import Search Filter
Please refer to other LDAP Search Filter syntax.
Attribute Mapping - ID

Attribute Mapping - Name

Attribute Mapping - Description

Attribute Mapping - Users

Map To LDAP User Entry Primary Attribute

Admin Role

Figure 7: Admin Role Properties


Admin Role Base DN

Admin Role Import Search Filter


Please refer to other LDAP Search Filter syntax.

Attribute Mapping - Users


Map To LDAP User Entry Primary Attribute


Mapping admin_role from your LDAP is as follows:

1. Create a new organizational unit in your LDAP. For example, the new "ou" is "ou=adminrole,dc=example,dc=org".

2. Create "cn" entries of usernames who have the admin role in Joget. The usernames must exist in your users "ou=people,dc=example,dc=org" property.

3. In Joget LDAP Directory Manager configuration, set the properties accordingly.
Below is an example but it will differ from everyone else because each organization's LDAP is different:

4. Open incognito mode in your favorite browser and log in to Joget to test the new username with the admin role. Leave your main browser open in "Configure LDAP Directory Manager" in case you need to make some changes.

5. Go to "Setup User" and click on your test username to view the user profile information. You should see "Role(s): ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN".

6. Enable "Debug Mode" to check for errors, below shows the correct setting:

INFO org.joget.plugin.ldap.DirectoryManagerLDAPImpl - URL: ldap://localhost:389__Admin Username: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org__Root DN: dc=example,dc=org__User Base DN: ou=people,dc=example,dc=org__Group Base DN: __Department Base DN: __Grade Base DN: __Role Admin Base DN: ou=adminrole,dc=example,dc=org

You have to keep trying various configurations until you succeed


Figure 8: Advance Properties

Result Size Per Paged Search 
Debug Mode

Click checkbox to enable helpful debugging messages in your Joget logs.


Configuring The User Import Search Filter

The following articles might be useful to you to understand how to filter users based on the groups in LDAP:

You can use the pipe symbol '|' to denotes 'OR' and include a second (or more) search parameters, for example:


Related Documentation

Sync LDAP User Directory Manager

LDAP User Management