Most of the vital controls are placed in the General Settings. In General Settings, you will be able to tweak/tune the following categories:-

User Interface Settings


Custom CSS file to replace the default look and feel of the web console. (Default CSS file resides at /jw/css/v3.css)

Custom CSS

Inline custom CSS to be appended into the web console in addition to the default/CSS URL.

System Locale

Default system wide locale.

Using Locale Date Format

Determines if user/system's locale date format is to be used.

Enable User Locale Selection

Enables locale selection to users through User Profile.

User Locale Options (Language code, separated by comma ',')

Selection of locales available to users. ("Enable User Locale Selection" must be active first.)

Display From Right to Left

Enable RTL support.

Timer Settings

Process Deadline Checker Interval  (in seconds, 0 to disable)

Interval checking in seconds for the Deadline elements. Disabled by default.

System Administration Settings

Master Login Username

Master Login credential for API call. Please see JSON API Authentication .

Master Login Password

Master Login credential for API call. Please see JSON API Authentication.

Landing Page

Default landing page to Joget. Normally, it will be overridden to a published app's Userview.

Uploaded File Storage Base Path

Storage path for user's uploads. Defaulted to the wflow folder.

Workflow Designer Base URL

Workflow Designer Base URL. Defaulted to current Joget server path.

Delete Process On Completion

Delete process instance data on when process instance comes to an end.

Medium Warning Level

SLA indicator level. Please see Defining SLA Indicators.

Critical Warning Level

SLA indicator level. Please see Defining SLA Indicators.